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Devlog #3 - Inventory Management
Inventory Added a pause menu, and implemented the item pickups into a visualized inventory system. Currently, for a given item you can do the following: Use ite...
Devlog #2 - Monster AI and Snow
Particle Effects I added a particle system into the world that's meant to replicate snow. Albeit simple, I'm really happy with the outcome of this. I'd never...
Devlog #1 - Movement and Interaction
Note: It runs a lot faster and looks a bit better than this compressed gif would suggest xD Movement I've decided to make the game First Person, as to put the p...
Devlog #0 - Ideas, Conception, Direction
Introduction and Inspiration Despite finishing Five Night's at DanDy's last winter, I feel like I'm not quite done in the horror genre. I still would like to m...

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